Vision of UET
University of Engineering and Technology (UET) aims to generate knowledge for global competitive advantage and become a leading world-class research University.
Mission of UET
To play a leading role as a University of Engineering and Technology in teaching, research, innovation, and commercialization that is internationally relevant and has a direct bearing on national industrial, technological, and socio-economic development.

Introduction of the Department
The University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (UET) is a pioneer, most prominent and oldest center of computing education in the country. UET established a Computer Science department at its New Campus located in Kala Shah Kaku (KSK) in 2016 to meet the growing educational needs. Currently the department is offering the following three degree programs
Vision of Department
To be an international partner in computing education, research and development with our graduates impacting the society as computing professionals and entrepreneurs demonstrating professional integrity and leadership.
Mission of Department
To disseminate computing education to the students of the department emphasizing entrepreneurship and ethical standards while encouraging them to remain abreast with latest developments in computing tools and processes and use their skills to identify and find a solution to society’s problems; And to use department’s resources and computing expertise to help industry, government, and community in solving their problems.